5x12 pentomino tiling

Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


For a while now I've been mulling over a way of getting myself a portable Squeezebox radio. The background to this is that the core of our house media is a Logitech Media Server (aka SlimServer, SqueezeCenter and Squeezebox Server) running on our house server. All our CDs are ripped onto it as MP3s and we can also listen to all of the BBC's radio output, both live and via iPlayer, plus a vast collection of internet radio from around the world.  read more ...


A discussion on Facebook which mentioned Slade made reminisce about seeing them at the 1980 Reading Rock Festival and that lead me on a little voyage of discovery. First that it was performance that lead to their comeback which I didn't know, or had forgotten.  read more ...


I can't remember now how I discovered John Dowland but I suspect it was as a result of buying a CD of works by Weelkes. Anyway Amazon had John Dowland's "Collected Works" by The Consort of Musicke available as a 12 CD set. It wasn't cheap mind you. The price seemed to drift up and down. I see it's £67.39 today. So I sat on my hands.  read more ...


I've just embarked on taking a new drug in an attempt to get my migraines under some sort of control (more about that here) and the notes that came with it say I may notice a "change in your mood or experience feelings of depression".  read more ...


A tweet by the excellent Tim Harford led me to this documentary about Kate Bush, made during for the preparations for her first tour back in 1979.  read more ...



It's a lovely day today and Beth fancied a lie in so I did the morning dog walk. I've got Sal's "Dysfunctional" on my mobile phone so ...  read more ...


A version you may not have heard before by a middle age bloke in jumper and glasses. It is really very fine.  read more ...

I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: