5x12 pentomino tiling

Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


This is not the article I originally wrote so if you've read it already my apologies but I think you'll understand when you get to the end of it.  read more ...


So today was meant to be a day of collections and deliveries: my new phone was due to be collected "some time between noon and 5pm" by UPS so it can be repaired and I was also due to take delivery ...  read more ...


So, I've been a little distracted for the last ten days of so by the aftermath of the dog incident. The current state of the nation is that Jack and I are off to the vet today ...  read more ...


So today has been a little fraught. First getting Jessie walked and then Jack over to the vet for his operation. Then on to the police station in Histon to report yesterday's incident...  read more ...


So, to summarise then: bull terrier attacks Jessie, Beth intervenes, is knocked over and breaks a metatarsal in her foot (we discover later). Meanwhile I'm about 100m away with Jack and hear Beth scream so come running back with Jack (probably a mistake in retrospect).  read more ...


So we went to the Dogs Trust at Snetterton to look at the only collie their web site said they had only to find when we arrive that they had four. Two, including the one we went there to look at, we clearly going to be a problem walking off lead in Milton Country Park without a lot of work.  read more ...

I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: