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I have, I confess, being buying new toys. I blame Beth. Oh, and Amazon. You'll remember that a couple of weeks ago we cycled to the mouth of the Findhorn to see the seals. Beth was on her snazzy new fat bike and I was on my Marin San Rafael hybrid. ... read more ... |
As I think we've already established I'm a sucker for a legacy lens, especially Minolta SR mount MC/MD lens or which there are lots, so I tend to browse eBay to see what's about. Back in March as the house move was really getting started I came across a listing described as Minolta XD7 35mm SLR Camera with 3 Lenses Rokkor/Tokina/MD + more bundle/lot. Here's the main photo: read more ... |
I mentioned here before in passing that I'm now using Three for one of my two SIMs (the other remains on giffgaff). I'm using them because their newish 3-2-1 PAYG tariff is spot on for my usage pattern. So that's 3p min for calls, 2p per text and 1p/MB data. read more ... |
Just over six months after I bought and later returned my first Chromebook I'm back on the Google road again, this time with a Dell Chromebook 11" (2014). "Why now? Why that one?" you're asking yourself (well, you're probably not, but whatever, bear with me). read more ... |
When I'm walking I don't tend to navigate via GPS (although I do sometimes use one for track logging) as I still prefer a paper map but occasionally it's useful to be able to just double check your location by asking the GPS for the OSGB grid reference. read more ... |
Those of you who've been to our house know that the sitting room HiFi is of a great age, something of which I've remained stubbornly proud, not least because I get a great sound out if it. The input components have come and gone... read more ... |
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