5x12 pentomino tiling

Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


Today, a year and a half after we started hard filtering on SPF, a new problem: our mail server was rejecting genuine email from us because we had an SPF record.  read more ...


You can't say spammers aren't inventive: they're always looking for new ways of getting past the spam filters. ...  read more ...


Readers with long memories may remember that back in June last year I complained about spam from a company called Motorholme ...  read more ...


If you've ever been spammed by someone from the UK and you've told them to stop and they've ignored you you may have been tempted to complain ...  read more ...


So back in June I was being spammed by a company called Motorholme. I was stupid enough to get a quote for motorhome hire from them and after that ...  read more ...


Well, the revamped spam filter I mentioned a couple of days ago seems to be doing a fine job. If you look at the chart then before we got all the spam coloured orange or yellow, now we only get the yellow. ...  read more ...


Gosh do we ache after yesterday. It wasn't that long a walk for us now: we tend to regard 10-12 miles as the norm, but we suffered for it this time. ...  read more ...

I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: