5x12 pentomino tiling

Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


I'm standing as a candidate for Policy Development Committee - Highlands & Islands (open list) so here's a quick bio for anyone searching for me on the Interwebs.  read more ...


Having wibbled on about how we ran our general election campaign it's perhaps time to talk about why the whole thing sucks and the biggest issue here is First Past The Post (FPTP).  read more ...


In my last post I talked about canvassing (and leafleting) in the run up to the recent general election. The actual day itself was interesting and occasionally amusing, so let's wibble about that for a while.  read more ...


I confess that I've never been a great fan of canvassing by political parties but in this last general election, being a loyal party member now, I felt honour bound to get involved and I must confess that - on the whole - I actually enjoyed it.  read more ...


In my last post I was talking about the problems that the Caledonian Sleeper service has been having with their new carriages but said that the Highlander service, which takes passengers from Fort William, Inverness, and Aberdeen to London, had remained on the old carriages for now.  read more ...


Caledonian Sleeper, who run the sleeper services from Scotland to London and back, really are in a mess. A while ago now they ordered new rolling stock, to replace their 30+ year old ex-BR carriages, from a Spanish company called CAF. From what I can remember it was originally due to go live last summer.  read more ...


Last weekend, being our birthday weekend, saw me heading south to Cambridge and then afterwards on to Hampshire to see the family. ...  read more ...

I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: