5x12 pentomino tiling

Off to Wales


Paul's retroblogging1, it can only mean that he's away again. And yes, that's it - we're on a camp site at Talybont just east of Brecon for a weekend of walking with the Outdoors Magic crowd again.

We're off to the pub shortly for supper so more tomorrow.

  1. On my Nokia N800 so I can upload it when we get back.

Tags: Brecon Written 10/10/08

Previous comments about this article:

On 14/10/08 at 2:44pm Jen wrote:

We camped there for my birthday last year. We got flooded out in the end, so it was altogether not very successful. Lovely bit of countryside though, when you can see it through the rain.

And you get buzzed by low flying tornado's (of the plane variety, not the windy variety), which is fun.

On 15/10/08 at 8:11am Paul wrote:

I did wonder when I first saw that campsite on the map whether flooding might be a problem but we were in the "other" camping field which is up hill a bit (see map).

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